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s-Tetrazine: a ``clickable'' platform for the site-specific dual-labeling of proteins. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING. 44:S209.
2017. s-Tetrazine: a ``clickable'' platform for the site-specific dual-labeling of proteins. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING. 44:S209.
2017. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJSTEN) related to insecticide: Second case in the literature and potential implications. REVUE DE STOMATOLOGIE DE CHIRURGIE MAXILLO-FACIALE ET DE CHIRURGIE ORALE. 117:176-182.
2016. A SThM probe optimization and its time-space multi-scale modeling. MECHATRONICS. 40:251-263.
2016. Stiffer, Stronger and Centrosymmetrical Class of Pentamodal Mechanical Metamaterials. MATERIALS. 12:3470.
2019. Stiffness and fracture analysis of photovoltaic grade silicon plates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 97-98:355-369.
2016. Stilbenes and resveratrol metabolites improve mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation defects in human fibroblasts. ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES. 9:79.
2014. Stimulated Brillouin scattering in polymer-coated chalcogenide microfibers. 2014 IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY SUMMER TOPICAL MEETING SERIES. :106-107.
2014. Stimulated emission of phonons and plasmons by ballistic electrons in nanoscale contacts. 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS (ICLO 2018). :429.
2018. Stimulated emission of phonons and plasmons by ballistic electrons in nanoscale contacts. 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS (ICLO 2018). :429.
2018. Stimulated Raman spectroscopy of (CF4)-C-13. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY. 348:47-56.
2018. Stimulated Raman-Kerr scattering in an integrated nonlinear optofluidic fiber arrangement. OPTICS LETTERS. 39:5407-5410.
2014. Stimulation of Muscle Afferents During Muscle Contraction Does Not Impact Perception of Effort. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 47:CP543.
2015. Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery, Imaging, and Theragnosis. POLYMERS. 12:1397.
2020. Stimulus and response conflict from a second language: Stroop interference in weakly-bilingual and recently-trained languages. ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA. 218:103360.
2021. A stimulus-brain coupling analysis of regular and irregular rhythms in adults with dyslexia and controls. BRAIN AND COGNITION. 140:105531.
2020. A Stirling engine for automotive applications. 2017 IEEE VEHICLE POWER AND PROPULSION CONFERENCE (VPPC).
2017. Stochastic analysis for a non-Markovian generator: an introduction. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 22:39-52.
2015. Stochastic Analysis for Obtuse Random Walks. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY. 28:619-649.
2015. Stochastic aspects of the unitary dual group. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 357:450-454.
2019. Stochastic comparisons and ageing properties of an extended gamma process. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY. 58:PIIS0021900220000741.
2021. Stochastic excitation method for calculating the resolvent band structure of periodic media and waveguides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 97:224110.
2018. Stochastic factors controlling the failure of carbon/epoxy composites. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. 51:311-333.
2016. A Stochastic Game for Adaptive Security in Constrained Wireless Body Area Networks. 2018 15TH IEEE ANNUAL CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS & NETWORKING CONFERENCE (CCNC).
2018. A stochastic model to study the impact of the transmission frequency of hello messages on the connectivity of ad hoc networks. TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. 57:197-207.