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Ghanemi FZahra, Belarbi M, Fluckiger A, Nani A, Dumont A, de Rosny C, Aboura I, Benammar C, Lahfa BFarid, Delmas D et al..  2016.  Carob leaves polyphenols trigger intrinsic apoptosis pathway and induce cell cycle arrest in colon cancer cells. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 217:108.
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Denomme-Pichon A., Roth V., Ravel J., Faivre L., Philippe C., Jonveaux P., Bonnet C..  2019.  Case report: first case of mosaicism with a premutation post-zygotic retraction in FMR1 without associated expansion in a male fetus. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 27:1845.
