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A Multiple-Objects Recognition Method Based on Region Similarity Measures: Application to Roof Extraction from Orthophotoplans. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS. 6:292-303.
2015. Automated Data-Driven Selection of the Hyperparameters for Total-Variation-Based Texture Segmentation. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION. 63:923-952.
2021. Automatic differentiation of melanoma from dysplastic nevi. COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS. 43:44-52.
2015. Behavioral and physiological determinants of food choice and consumption at sensitive periods of the life span, a focus on infants and elderly. INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. 46:91-106.
2018. Binding of Na+ ions to proteins: Effect on taste perception. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS. 51:33-40.
2015. Bolus quality and food comfortability of model cheeses for the elderly as influenced by their texture. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 111:31-38.
2018. Correlation of consumer perception of stickiness and contributing texture attributes to trained panelist temporal evaluations in a caramel system. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 65:72-80.
2018. Ensemble Approach for Differentiation of Malignant Melanoma. TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUALITY CONTROL BY ARTIFICIAL VISION. 9534:953415.
2015. Extended visual appearance texture features. MEASURING, MODELING, AND REPRODUCING MATERIAL APPEARANCE 2015. 9398:93980K.
2015. Gaining deeper insight into aroma perception: An integrative study of the oral processing of breads with different structures. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 92:119-127.
2017. Hyperspectral Texture Metrology Based on Joint Probability of Spectral and Spatial Distribution. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 30:4341-4356.
2021. .
2018. Identification of complex glass transition phenomena by DSC in expanded cereal-based food extrudates: Impact of plasticization by water and sucrose. JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING. 245:43-52.
2019. Impact of blade tenderization, marinade and cooking temperature on oral comfort when eating meat in an elderly population. MEAT SCIENCE. 145:86-93.
2018. Impact of fruit texture on the release and perception of aroma compounds during in vivo consumption using fresh and processed mango fruits. FOOD CHEMISTRY. 239:806-815.
2021. Machine learning for rapid mapping of archaeological structures made of dry stones - Example of burial monuments from the Khirgisuur culture, Mongolia -. JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE. 43:118-128.
2020. A Multiple-Objects Recognition Method Based on Region Similarity Measures: Application to Roof Extraction from Orthophotoplans. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS. 6:292-303.
2015. Ni-free superelastic binary Ti-Nb coatings obtained by DC magnetron co-sputtering. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 275:283-288.
2015. On the role of volumetric energy density in the microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusion Ti-6Al-4V alloy. ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. 51:102605.
2022. Oral comfort: A new concept to understand elderly people's expectations in terms of food sensory characteristics. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 70:57-67.
2018. Oral comfort: A new concept to understand elderly people's expectations in terms of food sensory characteristics. CAHIERS DE NUTRITION ET DE DIETETIQUE. 55:305-316.
2020. A physics-based approach to relate grinding process parameters to tribological behavior of ground surfaces. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. 91:4151-4161.
2017. Reducing salt and fat while maintaining taste: An approach on a model food system. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 48:59-69.
2016. Rhythmic and textural musical sequences differently influence syntax and semantic processing in children. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. 191:104711.