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Filtres: Mot-clé is Perception [Clear All Filters]
About the emergence of subjectivity: A dialectic exchange between neurosciences and psychoanalysis on phenomenon of perception. ANNALES MEDICO-PSYCHOLOGIQUES. 178:233-238.
2020. Do water managers perceive sustainable urban drainage systems as tools for an improved qualitative management of stormwater? A discourse analysis of the case of Lyon (France) DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE & TERRITOIRES. 10:16082.
2014. Evidence for Different Patterns of Chemosensory Alterations in the Elderly Population: Impact of Age Versus Dependency. CHEMICAL SENSES. 40:153-164.
2015. Fooling System 1 in the field of perception: Failure to intuitively detect attribute substitution in the flushtration count illusion. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. :17470218211069381.
Submitted. The gravitational imprint on sensorimotor planning and control. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 124:4-19.
2020. Human olfactory communication: current challenges and future prospects. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 375:20190258.
2020. Impact of Oral Microbiota on Flavor Perception: From Food Processing to In-Mouth Metabolization. FOODS. 10:2006.
2021. Is Andy Murray More British Than Scottish? It Depends on His Success! Game Outcome and the MOATing Effect PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS. 124:0033294120957242.
2021. Key odorants or key associations? Insights into elemental and configural odour processing FLAVOUR AND FRAGRANCE JOURNAL. 33:97-105.
2018. Mood Influences the Perception of the Sitting Affordance. ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS. 84:270-288.
2022. Neuromuscular and Perceptual Responses to Sub-Maximal Eccentric Cycling. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 10:354.
2019. Neuromuscular and Perceptual Responses to Sub-Maximal Eccentric Cycling (vol 10, 354, 2019). FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 11:934.
2020. No need for a social cue! A masked magician can also trick the audience in the vanishing ball illusion. ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS. 78:21-29.
2016. Odor-Induced Saltiness Enhancement: Insights Into The Brain Chronometry Of Flavor Perception. NEUROSCIENCE. 452:126-137.
2021. Oxidation in wine: Does expertise influence the perception? LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 116:108511.
2019. Perceived minerality in Sauvignon wines: Influence of culture and perception mode. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 41:121-132.
2015. The perception of odor objects in everyday life: a review on the processing of odor mixtures. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 5:504.
2014. .
2020. Redox activities in saliva: Modulation by diet and importance for sensorial perception of food. CAHIERS DE NUTRITION ET DE DIETETIQUE. 55:184-196.
2020. The Relationship Between Salivary Redox, Diet, and Food Flavor Perception. FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION. 7:612735.
2021. The role of aromatic similarity in food and beverage pairing. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 65:18-27.
2018. Sport Practice Enhances Athletes' Observation Capacity: Comparing Scenic Change Detection in Open and Closed Sports. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS. 128:96-114.
2021. The TeRiFiQ project: Combining technologies to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium, fat and sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimising their nutritional quality. NUTRITION BULLETIN. 42:361-368.
2017. The ball vanishes in the air: can we blame representational momentum? PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW. 23:1810-1817.