
14 resultats trouvés
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Alemneh E, Senouci S-M, Brunet P.  2019.  An Energy Efficient Smartphone Sensors' Data Fusion for High Rate Position Sampling Demands. 2019 16TH IEEE ANNUAL CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS & NETWORKING CONFERENCE (CCNC).
Arexis M, Maquestiaux F, Gaspelin N, Ruthruff E, Didierjean A.  2017.  Attentional capture in driving displays. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 108:259-275.
Alemneh E, Senouci S-M, Brunet P.  2019.  An Energy Efficient Smartphone Sensors' Data Fusion for High Rate Position Sampling Demands. 2019 16TH IEEE ANNUAL CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS & NETWORKING CONFERENCE (CCNC).
Young D, Malone S, Beato M, Mourot L, Coratella G.  2020.  Identification of Maximal Running Intensities During Elite Hurling Match-Play. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH. 34:2608-2617.
Fang Y, Cappelle C, Ruichek Y.  2014.  Multisensor Based Obstacles Detection in Challenging Scenes. HUMAN-INSPIRED COMPUTING AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PT I. 8856:257-268.
Fang Y, Cappelle C, Ruichek Y.  2014.  Multisensor Based Obstacles Detection in Challenging Scenes. HUMAN-INSPIRED COMPUTING AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PT I. 8856:257-268.
Arslan M, Cruz C, Ginhac D.  2018.  Understanding Worker Mobility within the Stay Locations using HMMs on Semantic Trajectories. 2018 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (ICET).
Arslan M, Cruz C, Ginhac D.  2018.  Understanding Worker Mobility within the Stay Locations using HMMs on Semantic Trajectories. 2018 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (ICET).