33557 resultats trouvés
Shearlet Transform: a Good Candidate for Compressed Sensing in Optical Coherence Tomography. 2016 38TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC). :435-438.
2016. Shearlet-based vs. Photometric-based Visual Servoing for Robot-assisted Medical Applications. 2016 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2016). :4099-4104.
2016. Shear-thinning fluids for gravity and anisotropy mitigation during soil remediation in the vadose zone. CHEMOSPHERE. 197:661-669.
2018. Shedding Light on the Formation and Structure of Kombucha Biofilm Using Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 12:725379.
2021. Sheep Quickstep while the Floor Rock and Rolls: Visuomotor Lateralization during Simulated Sea Travel. ANIMALS. 9:700.
2019. Shelf schedules for independent moldable tasks to minimize the energy consumption. 2021 IEEE 33RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD 2021). :126-136.
2021. Shell Extracts from the Marine Bivalve Pecten maximus Regulate the Synthesis of Extracellular Matrix in Primary Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts. PLOS ONE. 9:e99931.
2014. Shell extracts of the edible mussel and oyster induce an enhancement of the catabolic pathway of human skin fibroblasts, in vitro. CYTOTECHNOLOGY. 69:815-829.
2017. The shell matrix and microstructure of the Ram's Horn squid: Molecular and structural characterization. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. 211:107507.
2020. The shell matrix of the european thorny oyster, Spondylus gaederopus: microstructural and molecular characterization. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. 211:107497.
2020. The Shell of the Invasive Bivalve Species Dreissena polymorpha: Biochemical, Elemental and Textural Investigations. PLOS ONE. 11:e0154264.
2016. The shell organic matrix of the crossed lamellar queen conch shell (Strombus gigas). COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 168:76-85.
2014. Shell palaeoproteomics: First application of peptide mass fingerprinting for the rapid identification of mollusc shells in archaeology. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS. 227:103920.
2020. Shell proteome of rhynchonelliform brachiopods. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. 190:360-366.
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2017. Shift in plant-soil interactions along a lakeshore hydrological gradient. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 742:140254.
2020. Shifted Legendre polynomials algorithm used for the dynamic analysis of PMMA viscoelastic beam with an improved fractional model. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS. 141:110342.
2020. Shifts in Key Time Points and Strategies for a Multisegment Motor Task in Healthy Aging Subjects. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES. 73:1609-1617.
2018. Shifts in microbial diversity through land use intensity as drivers of carbon mineralization in soil. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY. 90:204-213.
2015. Shifts in wind energy potential following land-use driven vegetation dynamics in complex terrain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 639:374-384.
2018. Shigella entry unveils a calcium/calpain-dependent mechanism for inhibiting sumoylation. ELIFE. 6:e27444.
2017. Shigella sonnei, an emerging multidrug-resistant sexually transmitted pathogen in Franche-Comte, France. EMERGING MICROBES & INFECTIONS. 10:1702-1705.
2021. Shiitake Dermatitis. ANNALES FRANCAISES DE MEDECINE D URGENCE. 11:51-52.