33557 resultats trouvés
Subcutaneous angiolipoma in the scrotum: A case report. WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES. 9:7954-7958.
2021. Subcutaneous Bortezomib, Melphalan and Prednisone in Elderly Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients. BLOOD. 124
2014. Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-cell Lymphoma: Immunosuppressive Drugs Induce Better Response than Polychemotherapy. ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA. 97:358-364.
2017. Subcutaneous trastuzumab plus chemotherapy for early breast cancer: interim safety from SafeHer. BREAST. 24:S60-S61.
2015. Subcutaneous Veins Depth Estimation Method Using Monte Carlo Simulations. 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (I2MTC). :376-380.
2015. Subcutaneous Veins Depth Estimation Method Using Monte Carlo Simulations. 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (I2MTC). :376-380.
2015. Subcutaneous veins depth measurement using diffuse reflectance images. OPTICS EXPRESS. 25:25741-25759.
2017. Subcutaneous Veins Detection and Backprojection Method Using Frangi Vesselness Filter. ISCAIE 2015 - 2015 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. :65-68.
2015. Subcutaneous Veins Detection and Backprojection Method Using Frangi Vesselness Filter. ISCAIE 2015 - 2015 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. :65-68.
2015. Subcutaneous versus intravenous formulation of trastuzumab for HER2-positive early breast cancer: updated results from the phase III HannaH study. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 26:320-325.
2015. Subcutaneous versus intravenous trastuzumab in early breast cancer: 2-year follow-up of HannaH. BREAST. 24:S94.
2015. Subcycle engineering of laser filamentation in gas by harmonic seeding. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 92:053417.
2015. Sub-cytotoxic doses of pharmaceutical silica nanoparticles show significant impact on the proteome of HepG2 cells. JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE. 306:1-14.
2019. Subdiffusive behavior in a two-dimensional planar shear granular flow. GRANULAR MATTER. 16:517-530.
2014. Subdivision into i-packings and S-packing chromatic number of some lattices. ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA. 9:331-354.
2015. Sub-Doppler spectra of sodium D lines in a wide range of magnetic field: Theoretical study. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER. 272:107780.
2021. Sub-Doppler Spectroscopy of Room-Temperature Cs Atomic Vapor in a 400-nm-Thick Nanocell. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS. 133:404-410.
2021. Subduction zone intermediate-depth seismicity: Insights from the structural analysis of Alpine high-pressure ophiolite-hosted pseudotachylyte (Corsica, France). JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY. 87:95-114.
2016. Subfoveal Choroidal Thickness, Cardiovascular History, and Risk Factors in the Elderly: The Montrachet Study. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 60:2431-2437.
2019. Sub-GeV-scale signatures of hidden braneworlds up to the Planck scale in a SO(3,1)-broken bulk. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A. 34:1950029.
2019. Subjective Visual Vertical in Idiopathic Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction: Enhanced Role of Vision, Neck, and Body Proprioception. OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY. 38:1010-1016.
2017. Subjective Visual Vertical Tilt Attraction to the Side of Rod Presentation: Effects of Age, Sex, and Vestibular Disorders. OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY. 36:1074-1080.
2015. Submicron-quality cleaving of glass with elliptical ultrafast Bessel beams. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 111:231108.
2017. Submillimeter Continuum Variability in Planck Galactic Cold Clumps. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES. 242:27.
2019. Sub-molecular spectroscopy and temporary molecular charging of Ni-phthalocyanine on graphene with STM. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 20:19507-19514.