33557 resultats trouvés
Trends in net survival from pancreatic cancer in six European Latin countries: results from the SUDCAN population-based study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 26:S63-S69.
2017. Trends in net survival from rectal cancer in six European Latin countries: results from the SUDCAN population-based study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 26:S48-S55.
2017. Trends in net survival from stomach cancer in six European Latin countries: results from the SUDCAN population-based study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 26:S32-S39.
2017. Trends in operating room-based glaucoma procedures in France from 2005 to 2014: a nationwide study. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 101:1500-1504.
2017. Trends in prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment over 30 years: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH. 9:E130-E143.
2021. Trends in probabilities of death owing to cancer and owing to other causes in patients with colon cancer. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY. 31:570-576.
2019. Trends in survival after cancer diagnosis among HIV-infected individuals between 1992 and 2009. Results from the FHDH-ANRS CO4 cohort. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 137:2443-2453.
2015. Trends in the incidence of ischaemic stroke in young adults between 1985 and 2011: the Dijon Stroke Registry. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. 85:509-513.
2014. Trends in the management of gastric cancer over a 32-year period: a French population-based study. GASTRIC CANCER. 18:129-137.
2015. Trends in the risk of second primary cancer among bladder cancer survivors: a population-based cohort of 10 047 patients. BJU INTERNATIONAL. 118:53-59.
2016. Trends in the Use of Eye Care Services in Adults Treated for Diabetes between 2008 and 2017 in France: A Nationwide Study. OPHTHALMIC RESEARCH. 63:452-459.
2020. Trends of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli sequence type 131 and its H30 subclone in a French hospital over a 15-year period. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS. 48:744-747.
2016. Trends of incidence and survival in squamous-cell carcinoma of the anal canal in France: a population-based study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 25:182-187.
2016. Trends of intraseasonal descriptors of wet and dry spells over equatorial eastern Africa. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY. 38:1189-1200.
2018. Trends of mean temperatures and warm extremes in northern tropical Africa (1961-2014) from observed and PPCA-reconstructed time series. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 121:5298-5319.
2016. Trepostomate bryozoans from the upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Morocco: gigantism in high latitude Gondwana platforms. JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY. 89:195-221.
2015. Triage of the Patients on Presentation to an Emergency Department: Presentation of the Scale Elaborated by the French Society of Emergency Medicine - the FRENCH (FRench Emergency Nurses Classification in Hospital). ANNALES FRANCAISES DE MEDECINE D URGENCE. 9:51-59.
2019. .
2016. Trial Watch: Adoptively transferred cells for anticancer immunotherapy. ONCOIMMUNOLOGY. 6:e1363139.
2017. Trials and tribulations with electronic medication adherence monitoring in kidney transplantation. RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY. 12:794-800.
2016. Triangular spectral phase tailoring for the generation of high-quality picosecond pulse trains. OPTICS LETTERS. 44:4913-4916.
2019. Triangular spectral phase tailoring for the generation of high-quality picosecond pulse trains. NONLINEAR OPTICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2020. 11358:1135819.
2020. Triazolopyridopyrimidine: A New Scaffold for Dual-Target Small Molecules for Alzheimer's Disease Therapy. MOLECULES. 25:3190.
2020. Tribological and electrochemical performances of Cr/CrN and Cr/CrN/CrAlN multilayer coatings deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 82:443-452.
2015. Tribological behavior of PVD hard coated cutting tools under cryogenic cooling conditions. 16TH CIRP CONFERENCE ON MODELLING OF MACHINING OPERATIONS (16TH CIRP CMMO). 58:561-565.