33557 resultats trouvés
Curve computation by geodesics and graph modelling for polymer analysis. SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING. 11:1469-1476.
2017. Curve Extraction by Geodesics Fusion: Application to Polymer Reptation Analysis. IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICISP 2016). 9680:79-88.
2016. Curvilinear Multiplanar Reconstruction to Predict Useful Length and Diameter of Cochlear Lumen for Cochlear Implantation. OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY. 41:E1207-E1213.
2020. Cushing's syndrome treatments. ACTUALITES PHARMACEUTIQUES. 58:33-37.
2019. Customer modeling and pricing-mechanisms for demand response in smart electric distribution grids. CYBER-PHYSICAL-SOCIAL SYSTEMS AND CONSTRUCTS IN ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERING. 81:135-159.
2016. Customers involvement and firm absorptive capacity in radical innovation: The case of technological spin-offs. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE. 120:144-162.
2017. Customized and non-customized live-born birth-weight curves of single and uncomplicated pregnancies from the Burgundy perinatal network. Part I - methodology. JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY OBSTETRICS AND HUMAN REPRODUCTION. 46:587-590.
2017. Customized three-dimensionally printed mandibular external fixator. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. 49:1445-1448.
2020. Customizing Semantic Profiling for Digital Advertising. ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS: OTM 2014 WORKSHOPS. 8842:469-478.
2014. Customizing Semantic Profiling for Digital Advertising. ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS: OTM 2014 WORKSHOPS. 8842:469-478.
2014. Custom-made implant for complex facial reconstruction: A case of total replacement of temporo-mandibular joint, zygomatic arch and malar bone. JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. 118:52-56.
2017. Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions with Antimalarials and Allergological Skin Tests. DERMATOLOGY. 231:353-359.
2015. Cutaneous Granulomatosis Revealing Whipple's Disease: Value of Tropheryma whipplei Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for the Diagnosis. PATHOGENS. 10:1438.
2021. Cutaneous lesions in sporadic angiosarcomas of the breast: a misleading presentation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY. 26:287-289.
2016. Cutaneous lymphoproliferations: Proposal for the use of diagnostic algorithms based on 2760 cases of cutaneous lymphoproliferations taken from the INCa networks (LYMPHOPATH and GFELC) over a two-year period. ANNALES DE PATHOLOGIE. 35:131-147.
2015. Cutaneous malignant melanoma in children and adolescents treated in pediatric oncology units. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER. 63:1922-1927.
2016. Cutaneous manifestation of reactive arthritis. JOINT BONE SPINE. 87:658.
2020. Cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19 in the Franche-Comte region of France: A monocentric study. ANNALES DE DERMATOLOGIE ET DE VENEREOLOGIE. 148:124-126.
2021. Cutaneous mosaic syndromes associated with early postzygotic activating BRAF mutations. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 26:236-237.
2018. Cutaneous Recording and Stimulation of Muscles Using Organic Electronic Textiles. ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS. 5:2001-2006.
2016. Cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman Disease Located on the Breast: Rapid Effectiveness of Methotrexate After Failure of Topical Corticosteroids, Acitretin and Thalidomide. ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA. 95:758-759.
2015. CutFEM without cutting the mesh cells: A new way to impose Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on unfitted meshes. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING. 356:75-100.
2019. Cutis laxa and excessive bone growth due to de novo mutations in PTDSS1. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A. 176:668-675.
2018. Cutoff time for surgery in spermatic cord torsion: Results of a multicentric retrospective study of 2986 patients over 15 years. EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 79:S712-S713.
2021. Cutting and Decellularization of Multiple Corneal Stromal Lamellae for the Bioengineering of Endothelial Grafts. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 57:6639-6651.