Cold gas dynamic spray additive manufacturing today: Deposit possibilities, technological solutions and viable applications

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TitreCold gas dynamic spray additive manufacturing today: Deposit possibilities, technological solutions and viable applications
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuteursRaoelison R.N, Verdy C., Liao H.
Date PublishedNOV 5
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésAdvanced materials, Capabilities, Cold spraying, Potential applications

This paper reports the current potentials of cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS). CGDS has been significantly developed to produce several functional solutions categorized as follows: deposits with a single powder nature, composites-based deposits, nanotechnological deposits and hybrid coating/substrate assemblies. CGDS process has improved in proficiency and is still gaining attention from scientists and industry. Covering a wide range of materials, both standard and advanced, this additive manufacturing process offers substantial applications for surface functionalization, structural or dimensional restoration, bulk production providing specific material properties, and art/decoration. Progress in terms of material processing capabilities and applications are ongoing. CGDS brings opportunities of better materials and innovative solutions. This review also indicates some recent challenges of cold spraying. Those represent future research directions to increase the enactment of CGDS as a proven viable innovative additive manufacturing method. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
