Waves in hyperbolic and double negative metamaterials including rogues and solitons
Affiliation auteurs | !!!! Error affiliation !!!! |
Titre | Waves in hyperbolic and double negative metamaterials including rogues and solitons |
Type de publication | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2017 |
Auteurs | Boardman A.D, Alberucci A., Assanto G., Grimalsky V.V, Kibler B., McNiff J., Nefedov I.S, Rapoport YG, Valagiannopoulos C.A |
Volume | 28 |
Pagination | 444001 |
Date Published | NOV 3 |
Type of Article | Article |
ISSN | 0957-4484 |
Mots-clés | rogues, Solitons, waves |
Résumé | The topics here deal with some current progress in electromagnetic wave propagation in a family of substances known as metamaterials. To begin with, it is discussed how a pulse can develop a leading edge that steepens and it is emphasised that such self-steepening is an important inclusion within a metamaterial environment together with Raman scattering and third-order dispersion whenever very short pulses are being investigated. It is emphasised that the self-steepening parameter is highly metamaterial-driven compared to Raman scattering, which is associated with a coefficient of the same form whether a normal positive phase, or a metamaterial waveguide is the vehicle for any soliton propagation. It is also shown that the influence of magnetooptics provides a beautiful and important control mechanism for metamaterial devices and that, in the future, this feature will have a significant impact upon the design of data control systems for optical computing. A major objective is fulfiled by the investigations of the fascinating properties of hyperbolic media that exhibit asymmetry of supported modes due to the tilt of optical axes. This is a topic that really merits elaboration because structural and optical asymmetry in optical components that end up manipulating electromagnetic waves is now the foundation of how to operate some of the most successful devices in photonics and electronics. It is pointed out, in this context, that graphene is one of the most famous plasmonic media with very low losses. It is a two-dimensional material that makes the implementation of an effective-medium approximation more feasible. Nonlinear non-stationary diffraction in active planar anisotropic hyperbolic metamaterials is discussed in detail and two approaches are compared. One of them is based on the averaging over a unit cell, while the other one does not include sort of averaging. The formation and propagation of optical spatial solitons in hyperbolic metamaterials is also considered with a model of the response of hyperbolic metamaterials in terms of the homogenisation ('effective medium') approach. The model has a macroscopic dielectric tensor encompassing at least one negative eigenvalue. It is shown that light propagating in the presence of hyperbolic dispersion undergoes negative ( anomalous) diffraction. The theory is ten broadened out to include the influence of the orientation of the optical axis with respect to the propagation wave vector. Optical rogue waves are discussed in terms of how they are influenced, but not suppressed, by a metamaterial background. It is strongly discussed that metamaterials and optical rogue waves have both been making headlines in recent years and that they are, separately, large areas of research to study. A brief background of the inevitable linkage of them is considered and important new possibilities are discussed. After this background is revealed some new rogue wave configurations combining the two areas are presented alongside a discussion of the way forward for the future. |
DOI | 10.1088/1361-6528/aa6792 |