Fluctuation theorem: A critical review

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TitreFluctuation theorem: A critical review
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuteursM. Mansour M, Baras F.
Date PublishedOCT
Type of ArticleReview

Fluctuation theorem for entropy production is revisited in the framework of stochastic processes. The applicability of the fluctuation theorem to physico-chemical systems and the resulting stochastic thermodynamics were analyzed. Some unexpected limitations are highlighted in the context of jump Markov processes. We have shown that these limitations handicap the ability of the resulting stochastic thermodynamics to correctly describe the state of non-equilibrium systems in terms of the thermodynamic properties of individual processes therein. Finally, we considered the case of diffusion processes and proved that the fluctuation theorem for entropy production becomes irrelevant at the stationary state in the case of one variable systems. Published by AIP Publishing.
