Investigation on offshore wind energy potential in Benin Republic

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreInvestigation on offshore wind energy potential in Benin Republic
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuteursAza-Gnandji MR, Fifatin F-X, Dubas F, Nounangnonhou TC, Espanet C, Vianou A
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésbathymetric data, exclusive economic zone, Offshore wind energy, Weibull law

This article presents a study on offshore wind energy viability in Benin Republic. Weibull law has been used to model the spatial distribution of daily wind speed data in Benin Republic's Exclusive Economic Zone. The spatial distribution of wind energy potential in Benin's exclusive economic zone has been obtained at several heights by extrapolating Weibull parameters. Wind resource has then been categorized using National Renewable Energy Laboratory standards. Bathymetric data in the exclusive economic zone are used to determine areas showing good compromise between exploitable wind potential and turbine's foundation. We have shown that Benin's offshore resources can reach Class 7 at 100 m height, Class 6, respectively, at 100 and 80 m heights and finally Class 5 at 50 m height. We have also shown that locations close to the shore are the most suitable to offshore wind power generation in Benin's exclusive economic zone.

DOI10.1177/0309524X19872768, Early Access Date = {SEP 2019