Plasma cell-directed therapies in monoclonal gammopathy-associated scleromyxedema

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitrePlasma cell-directed therapies in monoclonal gammopathy-associated scleromyxedema
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuteursMahevas T, Arnulf B, Bouaziz J-D, Livideanu CBulai, Osio A, Servy A, Cribier B, Sassolas B, Jachiet M, Michel L, Aucouturier P, Lipsker D, Frances C, Sbidian E, Rybojad M, Descamps V, D'Incan M, Humbert P, Beylot-Barry M, Passeron T, de Moreuil C, Taha RY, Hermine O, Dupuy A, Barbarot S, Debarbieux S, Carpentier O, Brault F, Schmutz J-L, Thomas-Beaulieu D, Modiano P, Zarnitsky C, Lifermann F, Baubion E, Limal N, Le Bras F, Le Moigne M, Tauber M, Talbot A, Prud'homme R, Peltier S, De Masson A, Battistella M, Bagot M, Mekinian A, Fain O, Dermatolo EMaladies S, Interne SNatl Med, Disorders FNetwork Dy, Immuno GEtude Derm
Date PublishedAPR 2
Type of ArticleArticle

{Scleromyxedema is a rare skin and systemic mucinosis that is usually associated with monoclonal gammopathy (MG). In this French multicenter retrospective study of 33 patients, we investigated the clinical and therapeutic features of MG-associated scleromyxedema. Skin molecular signatures were analyzed using a transcriptomic approach. Skin symptoms included papular eruptions (100%), sclerodermoid features (91%), and leonine facies (39%). MG involved an immunoglobulin G isotype in all patients, with a predominant K light chain (73%). Associated hematologic malignancies were diagnosed in 4 of 33 patients (12%) (smoldering myeloma
