Generation of coherent acoustic beams in solids by mixing of counterpropagating, detuned optical beams [Invited]

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TitreGeneration of coherent acoustic beams in solids by mixing of counterpropagating, detuned optical beams [Invited]
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuteursLaude V, Korotyaeva ME, Beugnot J-C
Date PublishedAPR 1
Type of ArticleArticle

We model the generation of coherent acoustic beams in a homogeneous solid from the interference of two oppositely propagating, detuned optical laser beams. This configuration is reciprocal to Brillouin light scattering in the backward interaction arrangement. Generation of a confined ultrasound beam is predicted, close to the Brillouin frequency. Optoacoustic gain spectra and beam shapes are obtained numerically using a finite element model. The acoustic spectra are non-symmetrical, i.e., non-Lorentzian, and result from excitation of the continuum of bulk elastic waves. The acoustic beam width correspondingly varies with detuning frequency and optical beam waist. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America
