Component-Based Systems Reconfigurations Using Graph Transformations with GROOVE
Affiliation auteurs | Affiliation ok |
Titre | Component-Based Systems Reconfigurations Using Graph Transformations with GROOVE |
Type de publication | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2017 |
Auteurs | Kouchnarenko O, Weber J-F |
Volume | 51 |
Pagination | 463-478 |
Date Published | DEC |
Type of Article | Article |
ISSN | 0146-4116 |
Mots-clés | component-based systems, consistency, dynamic reconfigurations, GROOVE, Implementation, simulation relation |
Résumé | Component-based systems permit standardisation and re-usability of code through the use of components. The architecture of component-based systems can be modified thanks to dynamic reconfigurations, which contribute to systems' (self-)adaptation by adding or removing components without incurring any system downtime. In this context, the present article describes a formal model for dynamic reconfigurations of component-based systems. It provides a way of expressing runtime reconfigurations of a system and proving their correctness according to a static invariant for consistency constraints and/or a user-provided post-condition. Guarded reconfigurations allow us to build reconfigurations based on primitive reconfiguration operations using sequences of reconfigurations and the alternative and the repetitive constructs, while preserving configuration consistency. A practical contribution consists of the implementation of a component-based model using the GROOVE graph transformation tool. This implementation is illustrated on a cloud-based multi-tier application hosting environment managed as a component-based system. In addition, after enriching the model with interpreted configurations and reconfigurations in a consistency compatible manner, component systems' implementations are related to their specifications by a simulation relation. |
DOI | 10.3103/S014641161707015X |