To Be Generated Absolutely: The Ontology of the Aristotelian Genesis. ``eta delta epsilon iota sigma tau omicron alpha pi lambda omega sigma omicron nu gamma epsilon nu epsilon sigma iota sigma alpha pi lambda eta'', ``The genesis of what is absolutely is
Affiliation auteurs | Affiliation ok |
Titre | To Be Generated Absolutely: The Ontology of the Aristotelian Genesis. ``eta delta epsilon iota sigma tau omicron alpha pi lambda omega sigma omicron nu gamma epsilon nu epsilon sigma iota sigma alpha pi lambda eta'', ``The genesis of what is absolutely is |
Type de publication | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Auteurs | Bastit M |
Volume | 111 |
Pagination | 573-581 |
Date Published | JUL-SEP |
Type of Article | Article |
ISSN | 0035-6247 |
Mots-clés | Aristotle, Being, Genesis, Matter, Substance |
Résumé | The Aristotelian conception of genesis is not only a physical conception but entails an ontological side. Aristotle needs this ontological dimension to grasp the idea of an absolute generation, that is to say a generation where the new being is not a part of a preceding material being. However he also needs a subject of generation in order to reject the idea of a generation from non-being. The combination between the three following points: first, the idea of a prime matter without any actuality, second, the conception of substance as the first absolute being, and third, the link between the corruption of one substance and the genesis of another one, are the solution that Aristotle proposes. This precious conception of the absolute genesis is not equivalent to an ex nihilo creation, nevertheless it furnishes the principles used by St. Thomas in order to understand the absolute beginning of the created being. |
DOI | 10.26350/001050_000127 |