Physicochemical properties of vanilla and raspberry aromas microencapsulated in the industrial conditions by spray drying

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitrePhysicochemical properties of vanilla and raspberry aromas microencapsulated in the industrial conditions by spray drying
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuteursJedlinska A, Samborska K, Janiszewska-Turak E, Witrowa-Rajchert D, Seuvre A-M, Voilley A
Date PublishedNOV
Type of ArticleArticle

Physicochemical properties of powdered vanilla and raspberry complex aromas obtained on industrial conditions by spray drying were investigated. Powders had low water content and activity, promoting long shelf-life. Aroma retention was lower for vanilla flavors. Raspberry powdered flavors had poorer flowability, lower bulk density, lower particle size, and higher T-g. Additionally, physicochemical properties of powders from various locations of spray dryer (cyclone container/chamber) were compared-powders from the cyclone had higher water content and activity, but the flowability was not affected by collection place. Aromatic substances' retention of raspberry flavors was better in chamber-received powder, what was confirmed by sensory evaluation. Practical application This research gave the information about the significant influence of the type (vanilla and raspberry) of industrial flavor compositions on spray drying process done in industrial conditions and the properties of the obtained powders: aroma retention was lower for vanilla flavors, raspberry powdered flavors had poorer flowability, lower bulk density, lower particle size, and higher T-g. It is important for aroma creators, who should have knowledge how to avoid possible production problems (like sticking to the chamber wall, low efficiency), already at the stage of creating the recipe. Additionally, it was shown that some of the properties of powders taken from the cyclone container and the chamber of the spray dryer were different: powders from the cyclone had higher water content and activity, but the flowability was not affected by collection place. Aromatic substances' retention of raspberry flavors was better in chamber-received powder, what was confirmed by sensory evaluation.
