24-Month-Treatment with-MD1003 (High Doses of Biotin) in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Results of the MS-SPI Trial Extension Phase

Affiliation auteursAffiliation ok
Titre24-Month-Treatment with-MD1003 (High Doses of Biotin) in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Results of the MS-SPI Trial Extension Phase
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuteursTourbah A, Lebrun-Frenay C, Edan G, Clane M, Papeix C, Vukusic S, de Seze J, Debouverie M, Gout O, Clavelou P, Defer G, Laplaud D, Moreau T, Labauge P, Brochet B, Sedel F, Pelletier J
Date PublishedAPR 5
Type of ArticleMeeting Abstract