Predicting the Long-Term Efficacy of Ifna in JAK2(V617F) and Calr-Mutated MPN Patients

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitrePredicting the Long-Term Efficacy of Ifna in JAK2(V617F) and Calr-Mutated MPN Patients
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuteursTisserand A, Noble R, Mosca M, Marzac C, Vertenoeil G, Campario H, El-Khoury M, Marty C, Rameau P, Casadevall N, Solary E, Pasquier F, Raslova H, Cassinat B, Constantinescu SN, Kiladjian J-J, Girodon F, Hochberg M, Jean-Luc V, Vainchenker W, Plo I
Date PublishedNOV 13
Type of ArticleMeeting Abstract