Affiliation auteurs | !!!! Error affiliation !!!! |
Titre | Establishment of the WHO 2nd International Standard Factor V, plasma (16/374): communication from the SSC of the ISTH |
Type de publication | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Auteurs | Hubbard AR, Thelwell C, Rigsby P, Baker P., Beavis J., Gebauer R., Riddell A., Park S., Jung K., Kaar W., Rosen S., Bryngelhed P., Mackie I, Young B., Stroobants A., Hunfeld A., Kusch M., Praefcke G., Rosenkranz S., Schroda A., Moore G., Dunsmore C., Zadro R., Lawrence C., Bevan S., Foulon D., Teramura G., Bowyer A., Kitchen S., Doyle M., Binder N., Ovanesov M., Liang Y., Surov S., Parunov L., Rigano J., Gottschalk N., Demaistre E., Peyvandi F., Novembrino C., Jeanpierre E., Grenet J., Aime C., Maes M-B, Sidelmann J., Martineau N., Grimaux M., Johnson L., Rare SFactor VII |
Volume | 17 |
Pagination | 695-697 |
Date Published | APR |
Type of Article | Article |
ISSN | 1538-7933 |
DOI | 10.1111/jth.14403 |