Treatment and long-term clinical outcomes of incidental pulmonary embolism in cancer patients: an international prospective cohort study

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreTreatment and long-term clinical outcomes of incidental pulmonary embolism in cancer patients: an international prospective cohort study
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuteursKraaijpoel N., Bleker S.M, van Es N., Mahe I., Munoz A., Meyer G., Planquette B., Sanchez O., Bertoletti L., Accassat S., de Magalhaes E., Baars J., Rutten A., Lalezari F., Beyer-Westendorf J., Endig S., Marten S., Porreca E., Rutjes A.W, Russi I., Constans J., Boulon C., Kleinjan A., Beenen L.FM, Iosub D., Piovella F., Couturaud F., Tromeur C., Biosca M., Assaf J.D, Helfer H., Pinson M., Lerede T., Falanga A., Lacroix P., Desormais I., Maraveyas A., Bozas G., Aggarwal A., Rickles F., Girard P., Caliandro R., P. del Prado M, C. Maneiro dePrado, I. Escobar G, S. Santiago G, Schmidt J., Dublanchet N., Aquilanti S., Confrere E., Paleiron N., Grange C., Sevestre M.A, Perez A.IFerrer, M. Fernandez S, Falvo N., Thaler J., Otten H.M, Carrier M., Bergmann J.F, Buller H.R, Di Nisio M.
Date PublishedAPR
Type of ArticleMeeting Abstract