Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage In France In Patients With Hemophilia And Other Inherited Bleeding Disorders (1997-2011): Incidence, Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation, Management And Long-Term Outcome

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreNeonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage In France In Patients With Hemophilia And Other Inherited Bleeding Disorders (1997-2011): Incidence, Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation, Management And Long-Term Outcome
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuteursS. Cohen B, Wibaud B., Micheau M., Volot F., Bertrand M.A, Harroche A., Rafowicz A., Jarasse C., Berger C., V. Te LThiao, Falaise C., Meunier S., Chambost H., Grp PWorkshop C
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleMeeting Abstract