Hybrid fuel cell system degradation modeling methods: A comprehensive review

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TitreHybrid fuel cell system degradation modeling methods: A comprehensive review
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuteursVichard L., N. Steiner Y, Zerhouni N., Hissel D.
Date PublishedSEP 15
Type of ArticleReview
Mots-clésFuel cell system, Fuel cell system modeling, Hybrid fuel cell system

Last years, the fuel cell has become well-known as an efficient and clean energy converter being a potential alternative to internal combustion engines. However, despite being very promising, the durability of those systems is still a bottleneck. Most of the time, a fuel cell is integrated in a hybrid system which considers the fuel cell stack, the battery, and the balance of plant. To keep improving the durability of such a system, diagnostic and prognostic tools are of particular importance and to implement such tools, modeling the system is a mandatory step. The purpose of this paper is to propose a critical review of the existing methods to model all elements of a hybrid fuel cell system according to operating conditions and degradation. In this review, interactions and major degradation mechanisms occurring at all components will be presented and the physicsbased models, data-driven and hybrid models of these components reviewed. Finally, methods will be discussed, and advantages and drawbacks will be summarized.
