Multiscale Attention-Based Prototypical Network For Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreMultiscale Attention-Based Prototypical Network For Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Type de publicationConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuteursZhang Y, Sidibe D, Morel O, Meriaudeau F
PublisherInt Assoc Pattern Recognit; IEEE Comp Soc; Italian Assoc Comp Vis Pattern Recognit & Machine Learning
Conference Location10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA
ISBN Number978-1-7281-8808-9

Deep learning-based image understanding techniques require a large number of labeled images for training. Few-shot semantic segmentation, on the contrary, aims at generalizing the segmentation ability of the model to new categories given only a few labeled samples. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel prototypical network (MAPnet) with multiscale feature attention. To fully exploit the representative features of target classes, we firstly extract rich contextual information of labeled support images via a multiscale feature enhancement module. The learned prototypes from support features provide further semantic guidance on the query image. Then we adaptively integrate multiple similarity-guided probability maps by attention mechanism, yielding an optimal pixel-wise prediction. Furthermore, the proposed method was validated on the PASCAL-5(i) dataset in terms of 1-way N-shot evaluation. We also test the model with weak annotations, including scribble and bounding box annotations. Both the qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the advantages of our approach over other state-of-the-art methods.
