The Division of the University of Prague in 1882: A successful Compromise

Affiliation auteursAffiliation ok
TitreThe Division of the University of Prague in 1882: A successful Compromise
Type de publicationConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuteursReffet M
EditorJaklova A, Ference AE
PublisherCzech German Philologists Union; Univ S Bohemia, Fac Philosophy
Conference LocationCEJL 892-32, BRNO, 602 00, CZECH REPUBLIC
ISBN Number978-80-263-0931-4
Mots-clésAcademic freedom, bilingualism, give-and-take, nationalities, student associations

Since the founding of the university in 1348 the question has been debated, whether the university is to be regared as an institution of the Bohemian Crownland or as an imperial and German institution. After centuries of constant effort in 1882 an acceptable solution to this question was found. All too often the historiographie pointed to the apparently unsolvable national conflicts. The contribution has the aim to turn the attention to the many attempts of conciliation which were undertaken during the eras of the Habsburg Monarchie and the First Czechoslovak Republic.