Inverse square root level-crossing quantum two-state model

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreInverse square root level-crossing quantum two-state model
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuteursIshkhanyan T.A, , Ishkhanyan A.M, Leroy C.
Date PublishedOCT
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésbi-confluent Heun function, Hermite function, laser excitation, quantum two-state problem

We introduce a new unconditionally solvable level-crossing two-state model given by a constant-amplitude optical field configuration for which the detuning is an inverse-square-root function of time. This is a member of one of the five families of bi-confluent Heun models. We prove that this is the only non-classical exactly solvable field configuration among the bi-confluent Heun classes, solvable in terms of finite sums of the Hermite functions. The general solution of the two-state problem for this model is written in terms of four Hermite functions of a shifted and scaled argument (each of the two fundamental solutions presents an irreducible combination of two Hermite functions). We present the general solution, rewrite it in terms of more familiar physical quantities and analyze the time dynamics of a quantum system subject to excitation by a laser field of this configuration.
