Searching for Hidden Neutrons with a Reactor Neutrino Experiment: Constraints from the STEREO Experiment

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreSearching for Hidden Neutrons with a Reactor Neutrino Experiment: Constraints from the STEREO Experiment
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuteursAlmazan H., Bernard L., Blanchet A., Bonhomme A., Buck C., P. Sanchez delAmo, I. Atmani E, Labit L., Lamblin J., Letourneau A., Lhuillier D., Licciardi M., Lindner M., Materna T., Meplan O., Pessard H., Pignol G., Real J.-s., Ricol J.-s., Roca C., Rogly R., Salagnac T., Sarrazin M., Savu V., Schoppmann S., Soldner T., Stutz A., Vialat M.
Date PublishedFEB 11
Type of ArticleArticle

Different extensions of the standard model of particle physics, such as braneworld or mirror matter models, predict the existence of a neutron sterile state, possibly as a dark matter candidate. This Letter reports a new experimental constraint on the probability p for neutron conversion into a hidden neutron, set by the STEREO experiment at the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin. The limit is p < 3.1 x 10-11 at 95% C.L. improving the previous limit by a factor of 13. This result demonstrates that short-baseline neutrino experiments can be used as competitive passing-through-walls neutron experiments to search for hidden neutrons.
