Quantitative trait loci affecting the 3D skull shape and size in mouse and prioritization of candidate genes in-silico

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreQuantitative trait loci affecting the 3D skull shape and size in mouse and prioritization of candidate genes in-silico
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuteursA. Maga M, Navarro N, Cunningham ML, Cox TC
Date PublishedMAR 26
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clés3D imaging, candidate gene enrichment, geometric morphometrics, multivariate QTL mapping, skull shape

We describe the first application of high-resolution 3D micro-computed tomography, together with 3D landmarks and geometric morphometrics, to map OIL responsible for variation in skull shape and size using a backcross between C57BL/6J and NJ inbred strains. Using 433 animals, 53 3D landmarks, and 882 SNPs from autosomes, we identified seven OIL responsible for the skull size (SCS.qtl) and 30 OIL responsible for the skull shape (SSH.qtl). Size, sex, and direction-of-cross were all significant factors and included in the analysis as covariates. All autosomes harbored at least one SSH.qtl, sometimes up to three. Effect sizes of SSH.qtl appeared to be small, rarely exceeding 1% of the overall shape variation. However, they account for significant amount of variation in some specific directions of the shape space. Many OIL have stronger effect on the neurocranium than expected from a random vector that will parcellate uniformly across the four cranial regions. On the contrary, most of OIL have an effect on the palate weaker than expected. Combined interval length of 30 SSH.qtl was about 315 MB and contained 2476 known protein coding genes. We used a bioinformatics approach to filter these candidate genes and identified 16 high-priority candidates that are likely to play a role in the craniofacial development and disorders. Thus, coupling the OIL mapping approach in model organisms with candidate gene enrichment approaches appears to be a feasible way to identify high-priority candidates genes related to the structure or tissue of interest.
