How the notion of ``public goods'' can renew the Common Agricultural Policy?

Affiliation auteursAffiliation ok
TitreHow the notion of ``public goods'' can renew the Common Agricultural Policy?
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuteursLataste F-G, Trouve A, Berriet-solliec M, Dwyer J
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésagricultural policy, multifunctionality of agriculture, public goods, regulation, United Kingdom

For thirty years the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has undergone successive reforms, especially to justify agricultural public supports. The main argument to justify the CAP today is based on the economic concept of ``public good''. Using this concept helps to renew the initial European compromise of this policy based on the regulation of markets and farm income supports. Some British actors have played a vital role in the introduction of the term ``public good'' in community debates by defending a project of a radical reform of the CAP. This project, which in the case of England, was embodied in an alliance between environmentalists and landowners has finally not been retained in the reform of 2013, which maintains the importance of direct supports as principal tool.
