How does moving along to music influence its later recognition?
Affiliation auteurs | !!!! Error affiliation !!!! |
Titre | How does moving along to music influence its later recognition? |
Type de publication | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2015 |
Auteurs | Peckel M, Bigand E |
Volume | 115 |
Pagination | 53-76 |
Date Published | MAR |
Type of Article | Article |
ISSN | 0003-5033 |
Résumé | The present study addressed whether moving along to music can enhance its later recognition. According to the notion of musical affordances, participants should be able to move along to music without any previous knowledge of it. Furthermore, the literature on embodied music cognition and musical affordances suggest that perception of music is strongly linked to the action schemata associated with it. Accordingly, when hearing a song, movement patterns that are associated with it should be accessed and act as a memory cue. Participants were either requested to move along to music (Dancing), to imitate playing an ``air instrument'' (Mime) or simply to listen to the musical excerpts (Listening). Results showed that participants in the Listening condition performed better than participants in the dancing and mime conditions. The performances in the Dancing and Mime conditions did not differ. Our results suggest that these participants were able to move along with music but did not create a multimodal representation of the learning event. We argue that these participants processed music in a shallower and more perceptual fashion than listeners. Our results are discussed in terms of involvement in the motor task and depth of processing related to the expression of musical affordances. |