Extrinsic calibration of heterogeneous cameras by line images

Affiliation auteursAffiliation ok
TitreExtrinsic calibration of heterogeneous cameras by line images
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuteursLy DSang, Demonceaux C, Vasseur P, Pegard C
Date PublishedAUG
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésExtrinsic calibration, Heterogeneous cameras, Lines

The extrinsic calibration refers to determining the relative pose of cameras. Most of the approaches for cameras with non-overlapping fields of view (FOV) are based on mirror reflection, object tracking or rigidity constraint of stereo systems whereas cameras with overlapping FOV can be calibrated using structure from motion solutions. We propose an extrinsic calibration method within structure from motion framework for cameras with overlapping FOV and its extension to cameras with partially non-overlapping FOV. Recently, omnidirectional vision has become a popular topic in computer vision as an omnidirectional camera can cover large FOV in one image. Combining the good resolution of perspective cameras and the wide observation angle of omnidirectional cameras has been an attractive trend in multi-camera system. For this reason, we present an approach which is applicable to heterogeneous types of vision sensors. Moreover, this method utilizes images of lines as these features possess several advantageous characteristics over point features, especially in urban environment. The calibration consists of a linear estimation of orientation and position of cameras and optionally bundle adjustment to refine the extrinsic parameters.
