The Albian Stage in its type area, the Aube (France): a synthesis in a global sedimentary context

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TitreThe Albian Stage in its type area, the Aube (France): a synthesis in a global sedimentary context
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuteursAmedro F, Matrion B
Date PublishedMAY 8
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésAlbian, ammonites, Anglo-Paris basin, Aube, correlations, lithostratigraphy, marker beds, sequence stratigraphy, stratotype

The Aube department is the type locality of the Albian stage created by d'ORBIGNY (1842). Two formations are recognised in the clay facies (the ``Gault'' auct.) of the stratotype, the Argiles tegulines de Courcelles (82 m), which is overlain by the Marnes de Brienne (43 m). The boundary between the two formations is defined at the top of an indurated bed (hardground L'Etape) that is readily identifiable, both in the field, and from boreholes. The type area of the Albian stage is of great interest because of the size of the clay facies (more than 120 m) unique in the Anglo-Paris basin. Today, 82 % of the lithological succession is documented accurately from 16 outcrops. In two intervals of respectively 33 m and 28.50 m thick, composite sections are made of overlapping sections which are correlated in the field with the help of lithological marker beds. Six successive facies are described: in the Argiles tegulines de Courcelles and from bottom to top: 1 - phosphatic nodules bed; 2 - silty clays; 3 - clays and limestone beds; in the Marnes de Brienne: 4 - clay marls; 5 - gaize; 6 - clay marls. On a smaller scale, a decimetre to metre-scale rhythmicity can be identified in the sedimentation. This is reflected in the Argiles tegulines de Courcelles by pluri-decimetric cycles that start with a silty level and are bounded at the top by a bored surface. In the Marnes de Brienne, the metric cycles (except for the gaize where they are decimetric) exhibit alternating dark grey clay marl and a pale grey marl that herald the rhythmic chalks of the Cenomanian. Individual couplets probably represent the precession cycles (20 kyr). On the other hand, 13 lithoevents as phosphatic nodules beds, hardgrounds, glauconitic and sandy beds and ecoevents characterised by the brief abundance of some fossils. These marker beds are very useful for fine correlations across the basin. A comparison is proposed between sandy units of Yonne and clay facies of Aube. The continuity of several phosphatic nodules beds is shown from Yonne in the South West to Aube and Perthois in the North East, that is a distance exceeding 130 km. These marker beds are interpreted as Flooding Surfaces of 3rd-order cycles. Finally, a detailed study of the lithology, complemented with the analysis of the ammonite and inoceramid faunas, is used for a depositional sequence interpretation. As a result, eight sequences are identified in the upper half of the Argiles tegulines de Courcelles and in the Marnes de Brienne in the type area of the Albian stage, including two new sequences indexed AL 5a and AL 6a.