Ab initio calculations for the far infrared collision induced absorption by N-2 gas

Affiliation auteursAffiliation ok
TitreAb initio calculations for the far infrared collision induced absorption by N-2 gas
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuteursBussery-Honvault B, Hartmann J-M
Date PublishedFEB 7
Type of ArticleArticle

We present (far-infrared) Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) spectra calculations for pure gaseous N-2 made for the first time, from first-principles. They were carried out using classical molecular dynamics simulations based on ab initio predictions of both the intermolecular potential and the induced-dipole moment. These calculations reproduce satisfactory well the experimental values (intensity and band profile) with agreement within 3% at 149 K. With respect to results obtained with only the long range (asymptotic) dipole moment (DM), including the short range overlap contribution improves the band intensity and profile at 149 K, but it deteriorates them at 296 K. The results show that the relative contribution of the short range DM to the band intensity is typically around 10%. We have also examined the sensitivity of the calculated CIA to the intermolecular potential anisotropy, providing a test of the so-called isotropic approximation used up to now in all N-2 CIA calculations. As all these effects interfere simultaneously with quantitatively similar influences (around 10%), it is rather difficult to assert which one could explain remaining deviations with the experimental results. Furthermore, the rather large uncertainties and sometimes inconsistencies of the available measurements forbid any definitive conclusion, stressing the need for new experiments. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
