Experimental observation of the generation of cutoff solitons in a discrete LC nonlinear electrical line

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreExperimental observation of the generation of cutoff solitons in a discrete LC nonlinear electrical line
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuteursK. Koon TVe, Marquie P., P. Dinda T
Date PublishedNOV 3
Type of ArticleArticle

We address the problem of supratransmission of waves in a discrete nonlinear system, driven at one end by a periodic excitation at a frequency lying above the phonon band edge. In an experimental electrical transmission line made of 200 inductance-capacitance LC cells, we establish the existence of a voltage threshold for a supratransmission enabling the generation and propagation of cut-off solitons within the line. The decisive role of modulational instability in the onset and development of the process of generation of cut-off solitons is clearly highlighted. The phenomenon of dissipation is identified as being particularly harmful for the soliton generation, but we show that its impact can be managed by a proper choice of the amplitude of the voltage excitation of the system.
