Characterization of laser ablation of copper in the irradiance regime of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreCharacterization of laser ablation of copper in the irradiance regime of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuteursPicard J., Sirven J.-B, Lacour J.-L, Musset O., Cardona D., Hubinois J-C., Mauchien P.
Date PublishedNOV 1
Type of ArticleArticle; Proceedings Paper
Mots-clés266 nm, Ablation crater, Irradiance, Laser ablation, LIBS

The LIBS signal depends both on the ablated mass and on the plasma excitation temperature. These fundamental parameters depend in a complex manner on laser ablation and on laser-plasma coupling. As several works in the literature suggest that laser ablation processes play a predominant role compared to plasma heating phenomena in the LIBS signal variations, this paper focuses on the study of laser ablation. The objective was to determine an interaction regime enabling to maximally control the laser ablation. Nanosecond laser ablation of copper at 266 nm was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical profilometry analysis, in air at 1 bar and in the vacuum. The laser beam spatial profile at the sample surface was characterized in order to give realistic values of the irradiance. The effect of the number of accumulated laser shots on the crater volume was studied. Then, the ablation crater morphology, volume, depth and diameter were measured as a function of irradiance between 035 and 96 GW/cm(2). Results show that in the vacuum, a regular trend is observed over the whole irradiance range. In air at 1 bar, below a certain irradiance, laser ablation is very similar to the vacuum case, and the ablation efficiency of copper was estimated at 0.15 +/- 0.03 atom/photon. Beyond this irradiance, the laser beam propagation is strongly disrupted by the expansion of the dense plasma, and plasma shielding appears. The fraction of laser energy used for laser ablation and for plasma heating is estimated in the different irradiance regimes.(C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
