New Concept of Power Generation Using TEGs: Thermal Modeling, Parametric Analysis, and Case Study

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreNew Concept of Power Generation Using TEGs: Thermal Modeling, Parametric Analysis, and Case Study
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuteursFaraj A, Jaber H, Chahine K, Faraj J, Ramadan M, Hage HEl, Khaled M
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésHVAC, new concept, power generation, sun irradiation, TEG

In this manuscript, an innovative concept of producing power from a thermoelectric generator (TEG) is evaluated. This concept takes advantage of using the exhaust airflow of all-air heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, and sun irradiation. For the first step, a parametric analysis of power generation from TEGs for different practical configurations is performed. Based on the results of the parametric analysis, recommendations associated with practical applications are presented. Therefore, a one-dimensional steady-state solution for the heat diffusion equation is considered with various boundary conditions (representing applied configurations). It is revealed that the most promising configuration corresponds to the TEG module exposed to a hot fluid at one face and a cold fluid at the other face. Then, based on the parametric analysis, the innovative concept is recognized and analyzed using appropriate thermal modeling. It is shown that for solar radiation of 2000 W/m(2) and a space cooling load of 20 kW, a 40 x 40 cm(2) flat plate is capable of generating 3.8 W of electrical power. Finally, an economic study shows that this system saves about \$6 monthly with a 3-year payback period at 2000 W/m(2) solar radiation. Environmentally, the system is also capable of reducing about 1 ton of CO2 emissions yearly.
