Comment on ``Direct linear term in the equation of state of plasmas''

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreComment on ``Direct linear term in the equation of state of plasmas''
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuteursAlastuey A., Ballenegger V., Ebeling W.
Date PublishedOCT 8
Type of ArticleArticle

In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. E 91, 013108 (2015)], Kraeft et al. criticize known exact results on the equation of state of quantum plasmas, which have been obtained independently by several authors. They argue about a difference in the definition of the direct two-body function Q(x), which appears in virial expansions of thermodynamical quantities, but Q(x) is not a measurable quantity in itself. Differences in definitions of intermediate quantities are irrelevant, and only differences in physical quantities are meaningful. Beyond Kraeft et al.'s broad statement that there is no agreement at order rho(5/2) in the virial equation for the pressure, we show that their published results for this quantity are in fact in perfect agreement with previous existing expressions.
