Analyses of the transmission of the disorder from a disturbed environment to a spin chain

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TitreAnalyses of the transmission of the disorder from a disturbed environment to a spin chain
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuteursAubourg L, Viennot D
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle

We study spin chains submitted to disturbed kick trains described by classical dynamical processes. The spin chains are described by Heisenberg and Ising models. We consider decoherence, entanglement and relaxation processes induced by the kick irregularity in the multipartite system (the spin chain). We show that the different couplings transmit the disorder along the chain differently and also to each spin density matrix with different efficiencies. In order to analyze and to interpret the observed effects, we use a semi-classical analysis across the Husimi distribution. It consists to consider the classical spin orientation movements. A possibility of conserving the order into the spin chain is finally analyzed.
