Hydrogen infrastructure: data-center supply-refueling station synergy

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreHydrogen infrastructure: data-center supply-refueling station synergy
Type de publicationConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuteursHaddad M, Nicod J-M, Pera M-C
PublisherIEEE; Alstom; Sonceboz; Femto st Sci & Technologies; FC Lab Res; IEEE VTS; Megevh; Univ Bourgogne Franche Comte; Univ Franche Comte; Univ Technologie Belfort Montbeliard; IUT Belfort Montbeliard; UFR STGI; Univ Technologie Belfort Montbeliard, Departement
Conference Location345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1317-7

Nowadays, data-center are available in a lot of cities in different countries around the world. Their continuous growth in size and complexity due to the increasing demand for storage, networking and computation has become a world wide energetic problem. Taking into account their huge consumption of electricity and the amount of carbon emission in the air, researchers work on making data-centers as green as possible using renewable energy sources. On the other hand, electrical cars, more and more common as they have the potential to provide a high autonomy and to reduce significantly the emmissions that contribute to climate change. These green cars have however an inconvenient which is the availability of hydrogen station to fill their tank. Thus, this paper presents first a sizing of a hybrid system to power a data-center of 500 kW composed of photovoltaic panels, winding turbines, batteries and fuel cells. Consequently, this paper presents an option for this hydrogen storage to become easily a secure hydrogen station to supply fuel cell cars. Our contribution consists then in finding the accurate sizing (wind turbines, solar panels as primary sources, hydrogen as a long term storage and batteries as a back up) for both data centers and fuel cell vehicles.