Emulation of the operation of a lithium-ion batteries pack in healthy and faulty condition

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreEmulation of the operation of a lithium-ion batteries pack in healthy and faulty condition
Type de publicationConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuteursSaenger P., Pera M-C., Gustin F., Couturier R., Deschinkel K.
PublisherIEEE; Alstom; Sonceboz; Femto st Sci & Technologies; FC Lab Res; IEEE VTS; Megevh; Univ Bourgogne Franche Comte; Univ Franche Comte; Univ Technologie Belfort Montbeliard; IUT Belfort Montbeliard; UFR STGI; Univ Technologie Belfort Montbeliard, Departement
Conference Location345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1317-7
Mots-clésBatteries pack, dSpace, Emulation, lithium-ion battery, Malfunction, simulation

The need for an efficient way to store energy is a key point for the deployment of electrical systems. The need for high power and high energy makes it necessary to increase the number of cells in the packs and to develop adequate battery system management. Therefore, it is important to be able to study the correct management of energy in both healthy and faulty conditions, if some of the cells fail. This paper presents the emulation of a battery pack, cell by cell. An electrical model has been developed in a Matlab/Simulink (R) environment and identified through experimental data. It is implemented in dSpace Mid-Size. Healthy operation and degraded mode are then emulated.