Mechanical properties of thick 304L stainless steel deposits processed by He cold spray

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TitreMechanical properties of thick 304L stainless steel deposits processed by He cold spray
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuteursCoddet P, Verdy C, Coddet C, Debray F, Lecouturier F
Date PublishedSEP 15
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clés304L stainless steel, Cold spray, hardness, Heat treating, Yield strength

This work was dedicated to the assessment of the mechanical properties of 304L stainless steel deposits obtained by cold spray using helium gas in order to increase particle velocity. The mechanical properties and the microstructure of the deposits were studied versus deposition parameters and post heat treatment. Deposition was also performed at two different nozzle pressures to evaluate the influence of particle velocity on the properties of the as-sprayed material. An ultimate tensile strength slightly above 400 MPa with about 10% elongation at rupture was obtained. The residual stress level was also investigated as a function of heat treating. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
