Fiscal Sustainability in Central and Latin America Countries: Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Approach

Affiliation auteursAffiliation ok
TitreFiscal Sustainability in Central and Latin America Countries: Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Approach
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuteursChristophe E, Llorca M
Type of ArticleArticle

This empirical study aims at assessing sustainability of fiscal policies in twenty Central and Latin American countries over the period 1990-2012. We employ the second generation panel unit root test proposed by Pesaran (2007) to take into account for cross-section dependence and it is found that the fiscal variables are integrated of order one. Using the panel cointegration tests suggested by Westerlund (2007), econometric results show that there is a long-run relationship between government revenue and spending. The estimate of the panel cointegrating regression in an error correction model indicates that the budget deficit turns out to be weakly sustainable.