Almost disjoint spanning trees: Relaxing the conditions for completely independent spanning trees

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TitreAlmost disjoint spanning trees: Relaxing the conditions for completely independent spanning trees
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuteursDarties B, Gastineau N, Togni O
Date PublishedFEB 19
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésCompletely independent spanning trees, Disjoint connected dominating sets, Grid, Independent spanning trees, Spanning trees

The search of spanning trees with interesting disjunction properties has led to the introduction of edge-disjoint spanning trees, independent spanning trees and more recently completely independent spanning trees. We group together these notions by defining (i, j)-disjoint spanning trees, where i (j, respectively) is the number of vertices (edges, respectively) that are shared by more than one tree. We illustrate how (i, j)-disjoint spanning trees provide some nuances between the existence of disjoint connected dominating sets and completely independent spanning trees. We prove that determining if there exist two (i, j)-disjoint spanning trees in a graph G is NP-complete, for every two positive integers i and j. Moreover we prove that for square of graphs, k-connected interval graphs, complete graphs and several grids, there exist (i, j)-disjoint spanning trees for interesting values of i and j. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
