Instrumented Incremental Sheet Testing formaterial behavior extraction under very large strain: Information richness of continuous force measurement

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreInstrumented Incremental Sheet Testing formaterial behavior extraction under very large strain: Information richness of continuous force measurement
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuteursHapsari G., Richard F., Ben Hmida R., Malecot P., Thibaud S.
Date PublishedFEB 15
Type of ArticleArticle
Mots-clésdamage, Finite element method, Identifiability, Inverse method, Micro incremental deformation test

Incremental forming is a rapid prototyping process which uses a forming tool to form a sheet metal according to a predetermined trajectory. In this paper, a micro incremental deformation test (Micro InDef test) derived from the principle of single point incremental sheet forming is developed and proposed. A complex mechanical loading is applied and has a strong potential for the identification of inelastic behavior using inverse method. In a first part, this paper addresses the parameters identification and validation procedures of the ductile damage behavior of ultra-thin sheet metal under very large strain during this instrumented Micro InDef test. An inverse finite elementmethod based on the comparison between numerical and experimental axial forming forces of the incremental deformation test is employed to extract a coupled ductile damaged plastic model. In the last part, the objective is to prove the reliability of ductile damage parameters identification using forming force. The richness of data contained in forming force is quantifiedand compared to the one fromtensile test. Firstly the verification of the estimated parameter's reliability is done via a simple analysis based on the forming force sensitivity to material parameters and secondly by calculating elastoplastic and elastoplastic with ductile damage. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
