Intraseasonal Rainfall Variability over Madagascar

Affiliation auteurs!!!! Error affiliation !!!!
TitreIntraseasonal Rainfall Variability over Madagascar
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuteursMacron C, Richard Y, Garot T, Bessafi M, Pohl B, Ratiarison A, Razafindrabe A
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle

Using daily rain gauge records for Madagascar and nearby islands, this paper investigates rainfall intra-seasonal variability at local and regional scales during the austral summer season (November-February), as well as the respective influences of recurrent convective regimes over the southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) and the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). The results show a general consistency between local-scale rainfall variability in Madagascar and regional-scale features of climate variability. The influence of tropical temperate troughs in their mature phase and/or their easternmost locations is first underlined. The development of such systems over southern Africa and the Mozambique Channel can be considered as precursors for Malagasy wet spells, especially over the southern part of the island. Regional and local effects of the MJO are weaker on average, and only concern the northwest of the island and the north of the Mozambique Channel. MJO and convective regimes are finally shown to explain distinct fractions of regional rainfall variability.
