Publications - '7'

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7 beta-hydroxycholesterol-induced cell death, oxidative stress, and fatty acid metabolism dysfunctions attenuated with sea urchin egg oil
A. Zarrouk; Y. Ben Salem; J. Hafsa; R. Sghaier; B. Charfeddine; K. Limem; M. Hammami; H. Majdoub
7-Ketocholesterol and 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol: In vitro and animal models used to characterize their activities and to identify molecules preventing their toxicity
A. Vejux; D. Abed-Vieillard; K. Hajji; A. Zarrouk; J.J. Mackrill; S. Ghosh; T. Nury; A. Yammine; M. Zaibi; W. Mihoubi; H. Bouchab; B. Nasser; Y. Grosjean; G. Lizard
7-Ketocholesterol is increased in the plasma of X-ALD patients and induces peroxisomal modifications in microglial cells: Potential roles of 7-ketocholesterol in the pathophysiology of X-ALD
T. Nury; A. Zarrouk; K. Ragot; M. Debbabi; J.M. Riedinger; A. Vejux; P. Aubourg; G. Lizard
7-Ketocholesterol: Effects on viral infections and hypothetical contribution in COVID-19
I. Ghzaiel; K. Sassi; A. Zarrouk; T. Nury; M. Ksila; V. Leoni; B. Bouhaouala-Zahar; S. Hammami; M. Hammami; J.J. Mackrill; M. Samadi; T. Ghrairi; A. Vejux; G. Lizard
7-Ketocholesteroland 7 beta-Hydroxycholesterol-Induced Peroxisomal Disorders in Glial, Microglial and Neuronal Cells: Potential Role in Neurodegeneration 7-ketocholesterol and 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol-Induced Peroxisomal Disorders and Neurodegeneration
T. Nury; A. Yammine; F. Menetrier; A. Zarrouk; A. Vejux; G. Lizard
70-gene signature as an aid for treatment decisions in early breast cancer: updated results of the phase 3 randomised MINDACT trial with an exploratory analysis by age
M. Piccart; L.J. van `t Veer; C. Poncet; J.M.N.Lope Cardozo; S. Delaloge; J.Y. Pierga; P. Vuylsteke; E. Brain; S. Vrijaldenhoven; P.A. Neijenhuis; S. Causeret; T.J. Smilde; G. Viale; A.M. Glas; M. Delorenzi; C. Sotiriou; I.T. Rubio; S. Kummel; G. Zoppoli; A.M. Thompson; E. Matos; K. Zaman; F. Hilbers; D. Fumagalli; P. Ravdin; S. Knox; K. Tryfonidis; A. Peric; B. Meulemans; J. Bogaerts; F. Cardoso; E.J.T. Rutgers
70-Gene Signature as an Aid to Treatment Decisions in Early-Stage Breast Cancer
F. Cardoso; L.J. van't Veer; J. Bogaerts; L. Slaets; G. Viale; S. Delaloge; J.Y. Pierga; E. Brain; S. Causeret; M. DeLorenzi; A.M. Glas; V. Golfinopoulos; T. Goulioti; S. Knox; E. Matos; B. Meulemans; P.A. Neijenhuis; U. Nitz; R. Passalacqua; P. Ravdin; I.T. Rubio; M. Saghatchian; T.J. Smilde; C. Sotiriou; L. Stork; C. Straehle; G. Thomas; A.M. Thompson; J.M. van der Hoeven; P. Vuylsteke; R. Bernards; K. Tryfonidis; E. Rutgers; M. Piccart; M.I.N.D.A.C.T. Investigators
7000-year human legacy of elevation-dependent European fire regimes
B. Vanniere; O. Blarquez; D. Rius; E. Doyen; T. Bruecher; D. Colombaroli; S. Connor; A. Feurdean; T. Hickler; P. Kaltenrieder; C. Lemmen; B. Leys; C. Massa; J. Olofsson
7107 Islands
Y. Boquet