Publications - '8'

Publications 1 - 4 de 4
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
8-Formylophiopogonanone B induces ROS-mediated apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE-1 cells
Yjing Zhang; Zlin Mu; P. Deng; Ydan Liang; Lchuan Wu; Lling Yang; Z. Zhou; Zping Yu
80 GHz waveform generated by the optical Fourier synthesis of four spectral sidebands
J. Fatome; K. Hammani; B. Kibler; C. Finot
8000 years of coastal changes on a western Mediterranean island: A multiproxy approach from the Posada plain of Sardinia
R.T. Melis; F. Di Rita; C. French; N. Marriner; F. Montis; G. Serreli; F. Sulas; M. Vacchi
81st Congress of Internal Medicine - June 23 to 25, 2021 Abstracts
C. Mellot; A. Mathian; K. Dorgham; R. Lhote; S. Mouries-Martin; H. Devilliers; C. Aubart; J. Haroche; M. Hie; P. De Chambrun; M. Pha; D.L.T.H. Boutin; F. Rozenberg; G. Gorochov; Z. Amoura