Publications - 'A'
Publications 3376 - 3400 de 3773
Titre | DOI |
Association Between Oxidative Stress and Altered Cholesterol Metabolism in Alzheimer's Disease Patients A. Zarrouk; S. Hammouda; I. Ghzaiel; S. Hammami; W. Khamlaoui; S.H. Ahmed; G. Lizard; M. Hammami 2020 |
10.2174/1567205017666201203123046 |
Association between periodontal disease and non-fatal ischemic stroke: a case-control study A. Lafon; S. Tala; V. Ahossi; D. Perrin; M. Giroud; Y. Bejot 2014 |
10.3109/00016357.2014.898089 |
Association Between Planned Cesarean Delivery and Neonatal Mortality and Morbidity in Twin Pregnancies T. Schmitz; C. Prunet; E. Azria; C. Bohec; A. Bongain; P. Chabanier; C. D'Ercole; P. Deruelle; R. De Tayrac; M. Dreyfus; C. Dupont; J. Gondry; O. Graesslin; G. Kayem; B. Langer; L. Marpeau; O. Morel; O. Parant; F. Perrotin; F. Pierre; P. Poulain; D. Riethmuller; P. Rozenberg; R.C. Rudigoz; P. Sagot; M.V. Senat; L. Sentilhes; C. Vayssiere; F. Venditelli; E. Verspyck; N. Winer; L. Lecomte-Raclet; P.Y. Ancel; F. Goffinet; J.U.M.O.De Accou Jumoda; GROG 2017 |
10.1097/AOG.0000000000002048 |
Association between population density and infection rate suggests the importance of social distancing and travel restriction in reducing the COVID-19 pandemic H. Yin; T. Sun; L. Yao; Y. Jiao; L. Ma; L. Lin; C. Graff; L. Aleya; A. Postlethwaite; W. Gu; H. Chen 2021 |
10.1007/s11356-021-12364-4 |
Association between Pseudomonas aeruginosa positive water samples and healthcare-associated cases: nine-year study at one university hospital A. Lefebvre; X. Bertrand; C. Quantin; P. Vanhems; J.C. Lucet; G. Nuemi; K. Astruc; P. Chavanet; L.S. Aho-Glele 2017 |
10.1016/j.jhin.2016.12.007 |
Association between rs4149056 variant in SLCO1B1 and early discontinuation of statin after acute myocardial infarction A. Al-Salameh; N. Danchin; C. Verstuyft; S. Kotti; E. Puymirat; J. Ferrieres; F. Schiele; P. Coste; G. Lemesle; G. Cayla; L. Becquemont; T. Simon 2020 |
10.2217/pgs-2019-0109 |
Association between Salivary Hypofunction and Food Consumption in the Elderlies. A Systematic Literature Review C. Munoz-Gonzalez; M. Vandenberghe-Descamps; G. Feron; F. Canon; H. Laboure; C. Sulmont-Rosse 2018 |
10.1007/s12603-017-0960-x |
Association between Serum Concentration of Vitamin D and 1-Year Mortality in Stroke Patients B. Daubail; A. Jacquin; J.C. Guilland; C. Khoumri; C. Aboa-Eboule; M. Giroud; Y. Bejot 2014 |
10.1159/000362534 |
Association between serum osteoprotegerin levels and severity of coronary artery disease in patients with acute myocardial infarction Y. Cottin; R. Issa; M. Benalia; B. Mouhat; A. Meloux; L. Tribouillard; F. Bichat; C. Vergely; M. Zeller 2021 |
Association between Serum Osteoprotegerin Levels and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Y. Cottin; R. Issa; M. Benalia; B. Mouhat; A. Meloux; L. Tribouillard; F. Bichat; L. Rochette; C. Vergely; M. Zeller 2021 |
10.3390/jcm10194326 |
Association between short-term exposure to air pollution and peptic ulcer bleeding: A case-crossover study in China M. Wu; M. Tang; Z. Yu; X. Mao; Y. Chen; J. Wang; M. Jin; C. Yu; K. Chen 2021 |
10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118438 |
Association between short-term exposure to ambient air pollution and hospital visits for depression in China F. Wei; M. Wu; S. Qian; D. Li; M. Jin; J. Wang; L. Shui; H. Lin; M. Tang; K. Chen 2020 |
10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138207 |
Association Between the PNPLA3 (rs738409 C > G) Variant and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data E. Trepo; P. Nahon; G. Bontempi; L. Valenti; E. Falleti; H.D. Nischalke; S. Hamza; S.Ginanni Corradini; M.Antonella Burza; E. Guyot; B. Donati; U. Spengler; P. Hillon; P. Toniutto; J. Henrion; D. Franchimont; J. Deviere; P. Mathurin; C. Moreno; S. Romeo; P. Deltenre 2014 |
10.1002/hep.26767 |
Association between the retinal vascular network and retinal nerve fiber layer in the elderly: The Montrachet study L. Arnould; M. Guillemin; A. Seydou; P.H. Gabrielle; A. Bourredjem; R. Kawasaki; C. Binquet; A.M. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher 2020 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0241055 |
Association between the retinal vascular network with Singapore ``I'' Vessel Assessment (SIVA) software, cardiovascular history and risk factors in the elderly: The Montrachet study, population-based study L. Arnould; C. Binquet; C. Guenancia; S. Alassane; R. Kawasaki; V. Daien; C. Tzourie; Y. Kawasaki; A. Bourredjem; A. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher 2018 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0194694 |
Association between the retinal vascular network, cardiovascular history and risk factors in the elderly L. Arnould; C. Binquet; C. Guenancia; R. Kawasaki; V. Daien; A. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher 2017 |
10.1111/j.1755-3768.2017.02685 |
Association between visit-to-visit variability of HbA(1c) and cognitive decline: a pooled analysis of two prospective population-based cohorts Z. Bin Yu; Y. Zhu; D. Li; M.Y. Wu; M.L. Tang; J.B. Wang; K. Chen 2020 |
10.1007/s00125-019-04986-8 |
Association of 5-FU Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to DPD Phenotype Assessment May Reduce 5-FU Under-Exposure M. Dolat; P. Macaire; F. Goirand; J. Vincent; A. Hennequin; R. Palmier; L. Bengrine-Lefevre; F. Ghiringhelli; B. Royer; A. Schmitt 2020 |
10.3390/ph13110416 |
Association of a Low-Protein Diet With Slower Progression of CKD M. Metzger; W.Lun Yuan; J.P. Haymann; M. Flamant; P. Houillier; E. Thervet; J.J. Boffa; F. Vrtovsnik; M. Froissart; L. Bankir; D. Fouque; B. Stengel; N.T.Study Grp 2018 |
10.1016/j.ekir.2017.08.010 |
Association of a predictor of retinal omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with advanced age-related macular degeneration: the BLISAR project C. Delcourt; S. Ajana; O. Berdeaux; B.M.J. Merle; H. Jacqmin-Gadda; B. Hejblum; A.M. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher; J.F. Korobelnik; L. Bretillon; N. Acar 2019 |
Association of a predictor of retinal omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with advanced age-related macular degeneration: the BLISAR project C. Delcourt; S. Ajana; O. Berdeaux; B.M.J. Merle; H. Jacqmin-Gadda; B. Hejblum; A.M. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher; J.F. Korobelnik; L. Bretillon; N. Acar 2019 |
Association of Acute Endophthalmitis With Intravitreal Injections of Corticosteroids or Anti-Vascular Growth Factor Agents in a Nationwide Study in France F. Baudin; E. Benzenine; A.S. Mariet; A.M. Bron; V. Daien; J.Francois Korobelnik; C. Quantin; C. Creuzot-Garcher 2018 |
10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.3939 |
Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Alzheimer's Disease: New Entity or Coincidence? A Case Series A. Vrillon; V. Deramecourt; F. Pasquier; E. Magnin; D. Wallon; P. Lozeron; E. Bouaziz-Amar; C. Paquet 2021 |
10.3233/JAD-215226 |
Association of Anti-Programmed Cell Death 1 Antibody Treatment With Risk of Recurrence of Toxic Effects After Immune-Related Adverse Events of Ipilimumab in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma A. Brunot; J.J. Grob; G. Jeudy; F. Grange; B. Guillot; N. Kramkimel; L. Mortier; Y. Le Corre; F.F. Aubin; S. Mansard; C. Lebbe; A. Blom; H. Montaudie; D. Giacchero; S. Prey; D. Legoupil; A. Guyot; M. Amini-adle; F. Granel-Brocard; N. Meyer; M. Dinulescu; J. Edeline; B. Campillo-Gimenez; T. Lesimple 2020 |
10.1001/jamadermatol.2020.2149 |
Association of Anticholinergic Drug Use With Risk for Late Age-Related Macular Degeneration G. Aldebert; J.L. Faillie; D. Hillaire-Buys; T. Mura; I. Carriere; C. Delcourt; C. Creuzot-Garcher; M. Villain; V. Daien 2018 |
10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.1719 |