Publications - 'A'
Publications 551 - 575 de 3773
Titre | DOI |
A method of establishing a transect for biodiversity and ecosystem function monitoring across Europe D. Stone; P. Blomkvist; B. Hendriksen; M. Bonkowski; B. Jorgensen; F. Carvalho; M.B. Dunbar; C. Gardi; S. Geisen; R. Griffiths; A.S. Hug; J. Jensen; H. Laudon; S. Mendes; P.V. Morais; A. Orgiazzi; P. Plassart; J. Roembke; M. Rutgers; R.M. Schmelz; J.P. Sousa; E. Steenbergen; M. Suhadolc; A. Winding; M. Zupan; P. Lemanceau; R.E. Creamer 2016 |
10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.06.017 |
A method to assess glyphosate, glufosinate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in soil and earthworms O. Delhomme; A. Hernandez; S. Chimjarn; C. Bertrand; M. Bourdat-Deschamps; C. Fritsch; C. Pelosi; S. Nelieu; M. Millet 2021 |
10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462339 |
A method to estimate battery SOH indicators based on vehicle operating data only L. Vichard; A. Ravey; P. Venet; F. Harel; S. Pelissier; D. Hissel 2021 |
10.1016/ |
10.1111/jtxs.12116 |
A methodological approach to analyze the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail from interactions between actions and representations of local actors V. Facchinetti-Mannone 2019 |
10.1080/09654313.2018.1562653 |
A methodological framework for the use of landscape graphs in land-use planning J.C. Foltete; X. Girardet; C. Clauzel 2014 |
10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.12.012 |
A methodological framework to embrace soil biodiversity S. Geisen; M.J.I. Briones; H. Gan; V.M. Behan-Pelletier; V.P. Friman; A. de Groot; E. Hannula; Z. Lindo; L. Philippot; A.V. Tiunov; D.H. Wall 2019 |
10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107536 |
A Methodology and Tool for Rapid Prototyping of Data Warehouses Using Data Mining: Application to Birds Biodiversity L. Sautot; S. Bimonte; L. Journaux; B. Faivre 2014 |
A Methodology and Tool for Rapid Prototyping of Data Warehouses Using Data Mining: Application to Birds Biodiversity L. Sautot; S. Bimonte; L. Journaux; B. Faivre 2014 |
A methodology for multi-objective cropping system design based on simulations. Application to weed management N. Colbach; F. Colas; O. Pointurier; W. Queyrel; J. Villerd 2017 |
10.1016/j.eja.2017.04.005 |
A methodology for the publication of agricultural alert bulletins as LOD C. Roussey; S. Bernard; F. Pinet; X. Reboud; V. Cellier; I. Sivadon; D. Simonneau; A.L. Bourigault 2017 |
10.1016/j.compag.2017.10.022 |
A methodology for the semi-automatic generation of analytical models in manufacturing D. Lechevalier; A. Narayanan; S. Rachuri; S. Foufou 2018 |
10.1016/j.compind.2017.12.005 |
A metrics-based approach for modeling covariation of visual and ecological landscape qualities Y. Sahraoui; C. Clauzel; J.C. Foltete 2021 |
10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107331 |
A micro-costing evaluation of lobectomy by thoracotomy versus thoracoscopy M. Charvin; H.Martin Spath; A. Bernard; A.C. Bertaux 2019 |
10.21037/jtd.2019.03.67 |
A microglial cell model for acyl-CoA oxidase 1 deficiency Q. Raas; F.E. Saih; C. Gondcaille; D. Trompier; Y. Hamon; V. Leoni; C. Caccia; B. Nasser; M. Jadot; F. Menetrier; G. Lizard; M. Cherkaoui-Malki; P. Andreoletti; S. Savary 2019 |
10.1016/j.bbalip.2018.10.005 |
A microrobotic platform actuated by thermocapillary flows for manipulation at the air-water interface F.N.Pinan Basualdo; A. Bolopion; M. Gauthier; P. Lambert 2021 |
10.1126/scirobotics.abd3557 |
A microstructure material design for low frequency sound absorption T. Dupont; P. Leclaire; R. Panneton; O. Umnova 2018 |
10.1016/j.apacoust.2018.02.016 |
A Migratory Divide Among Red-Necked Phalaropes in the Western Palearctic Reveals Contrasting Migration and Wintering Movement Strategies R.S.A. van Bemmelen; Y. Kolbeinsson; R. Ramos; O. Gilg; J.A. Alves; M. Smith; H. Schekkerman; A. Lehikoinen; I.Krag Petersen; B. Porisson; A.A. Sokolov; K. Valimaki; T. van der Meer; D. Okill; M. Bolton; B. Moe; S.Are Hanssen; L. Bollache; A. Petersen; S. Thorstensen; J. Gonzalez-Solis; R.H.G. Klaassen; I. Tulp 2019 |
10.3389/fevo.2019.00086 |
A Mindlin derived Dahl friction model N. Peyret; M. Rosatello; G. Chevallier; J.L. Dion 2017 |
10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.06.019 |
A minimal molecular toolkit for mineral deposition? Biochemistry and proteomics of the test matrix of adult specimens of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus K. Karakostis; I. Zanella-Cleon; F. Immel; N. Guichard; P. Dru; T. Lepage; L. Plasseraud; V. Matranga; F. Marin 2016 |
10.1016/j.jprot.2016.01.001 |
A minimalist macroparasite diversity in the round goby of the Upper Rhine reduced to an exotic acanthocephalan lineage G.M. David; C. Staentzel; O. Schlumberger; M.J. Perrot-Minnot; J.N. Beisel; L. Hardion 2018 |
10.1017/S0031182017002177 |
A misleading false-negative result of Pneumocystis real-time PCR assay due to a rare punctual mutation: A French multicenter study S. Le Gal; F. Robert-Gangneux; Y. Pepino; S. Belaz; C. Damiani; P. Gueguen; M. Pitous; M. Virmaux; E. Lissillour; L. Pougnet; T. Guillaud-Saumur; D. Toubas; S. Valot; C. Hennequin; F. Morio; L. Hasseine; J.P. Bouchara; A. Totet; G. Nevez 2017 |
10.1093/mmy/myw051 |
A missing member in the family of chalcogenophene-substituted 2,2 `:6 `,2 `'-terpyridine: 4 `-(tellurophen-2-yl)-2,2 `:6 `,2 `'-terpyridine, its Ru(II) complex and its electropolymerization as a thin film J. Husson; E.Taouil Abdeslam; L. Guyard 2019 |
10.1016/j.jelechem.2019.113594 |
A mixture approach to the acoustic properties of a macroscopically inhomogeneous porous aluminum in the equivalent fluid approximation C.J. Sacristan; T. Dupont; O. Sicot; P. Leclaire; K. Verdiere; R. Panneton; X.L. Gong 2016 |
10.1121/1.4965300 |
A Model and Strategy to Improve Smart Home Energy Resilience During Outages Using Vehicle-to-Home R. Roche; F. Berthold; F. Gao; F. Wang; A. Ravey; S. Williamson 2014 |